Temecula Constitution Study with Douglas V. Gibbs, January 20, 2011, Article V Convention.
When the Tea Party movement emerged on the scene, many Americans flocked to the patriotic rallies. People knew in their gut that something was wrong as liberalism tightened its grip on the American form of government. We knew that liberalism's stranglehold on America was dangerous, but we weren't quite sure how to combat the leftist attack on our freedoms. Patriots moved on the symptoms while initiating a revolt against the establishment leadership in the Republican Party.
Ultimately, however, to turn this nation around, there are only a few solutions available. Some of the solutions are much more desirable than others. The taking back of America can be achieved through Peaceful Revolution, Violent Revolution, Nullification, or through an Article V. Convention.
Violent Revolution: The least preferred of the four is a violent revolution. The founding of this nation was largely achieved through a violent revolution. Violence broke out only after the British fired the first shots. First, at the Boston Massacre, and second at Lexington Green. Today, a bloody revolution is not desired, nor should it be. But, if the federal government under tyrannical control was to act in a manner against the American People by using force, a violent revolution could be the result. The Founding Fathers understood the possibility of another bloody revolution. This was one of the primary reasons for the 2nd Amendment. The right to keep and bear arms was not afforded simply for home protection and hunting. The Founding Fathers wished that the populace be armed so that the people could fend off a tyranny should one arise in the United States.
Nullification: The U.S. Constitution is a social contract between the States and the federal government. The federal government exists because the States allow it to. The Constitution grants the federal government enumerated powers, but if the federal government were to act in an unconstitutional manner, or pass unconstitutional laws, the States have at their disposal "nullification." Nullification is simply a State refusing to abide by a federal mandate or law simply because it is unconstitutional. If the federal government passes any legislation that does not fall within the authorities granted by the Constitution, the States have the right to not follow the federal mandate or law. However, people cringe when nullification is discussed, because many falsely believe that it was nullification that angered the federal government into acting against the Southern States, thus launching us into the War Between the States.
Peaceful Revolution: John Adams once wrote, "The Revolution was effected before the War commenced. The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people." The founders did not expect to go to war. They had hoped the differences between the King and the colonies could be settled peacefully. The King, however, had other plans. Today, in America, a peaceful revolution is currently in play. The Tea Party has launched a revolution against tyranny, and the result was the GOP gaining the House of Representatives in Election 2010. Taking back America through a peaceful revolution is one of the preferred methods, but can only be achieved if we continue to gain ground, and if the politicians put into office don't abandon their Tea Party principles.
Article V. Convention: The most desirable method of taking back America. Through an Article V. Convention, the States have a way of taking back control, by passing amendments designed to grab a hold of the reins and reeling back in the out of control federal government. The Constitution offers this opportunity through an Article V. Convention, where the States may propose amendments, and then approve them by a 3/4 ratification vote. This is the tool that many believe may be used best against a tyrannical federal government.
Thank you to Faith Armory, 27498 Enterprise Cir. W. #2, Temecula, California for the use of their classroom.
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