We the People have the duty to restrain government operating outside Constitutional boundaries. Discover your American heritage and birthright Thursdays, 6:30pm-7:30pm, for basic Constitution studies @ Faith Armory, 41669 Winchester Road, Temecula, CA.
Email: constitutionspeaker at yahoo.com. Constitutions handed out to all attendees. Join in the cause of preserving our God-given Liberty and restoring our Constitutional Republic. After all, if you don’t defend Liberty, who will?

- Original Intent
- Constitution Summary
- Preamble (Outline)
- Preamble
- Article I (Outline)
- Article I
- Article I, Section 1 (Establish Federal Powers)
- Article I, Sections 1 and 2
- Article I, Section 3
- Article I, Sections 4-7
- Article I, Section 7
- Article I, Section 8
- Article I, Section 8, Clauses 1 - 10
- Article I, Section 8, Clauses 11 - 18
- Article I, Section 9, Clause 1
- Article I, Section 9, Clause 1 (Migration)
- Article I, Section 9, Clauses 2 and 3
- Article I, Section 9, Clauses 4-8
- Article I Review
- Article II Preview
- Article II
- Article II, The Executive Branch
- Article II, Powers of the President
- Article III
- Article IV, Section 2 (Uniform Treatment of Citizens)
- Articles IV and V
- Article V. Convention
- Article VI, Section 2 (Introduction)
- Articles VI and VII
- Bill of Rights
- 1st Amendment (Introduction)
- 1st Amendment
- 2nd Amendment (First Introduction)
- 2nd Amendment (Second Introduction)
- 2nd Amendment
- 2nd Amendment: McDonald v. Chicago
- 3rd Amendment
- 4th Amendment
- 5th Amendment
- 6th, 7th, & 8th Amendments
- 9th Amendment
- 10th Amendment
- 11th Amendment
- 12th Amendment
- 13th Amendment
- 14th Amendment
- 15th Amendment
- 16th and 17th Amendments (Text Only)
- 18th Amendment
- 19th Amendment
- 20th Amendment
- 21st Amendment
- 22nd Amendment
- 23rd Amendment
- 24th Amendment
- 24th Amendment (Regarding Open Primaries)
- 25th Amendment
- 26th Amendment
- 27th Amendment
- Abolition of Slavery (General Notes)
- Arizona Immigration Law
- Bill of Attainder
- Bill of Attainder (British Petroleum)
- Borders and Immigration
- Branches of Government
- Capitation
- Commerce Clause (Article from Political Pistachio)
- Constitution: Social Contract
- Danbury Baptists: Letter From Jefferson
- Danbury Baptist Letter to Thomas Jefferson, 1801
- Danbury Baptist Association's Letter to Thomas Jefferson, October 7, 1801
- Dividing Voting Powers: Madison's Notes May 31, 1787
- Ex Post Facto Law
- Exclusive and Concurrent Jurisdiction
- Executive Orders
- Express Powers
- Federalist No. 23
- Federalist No. 41
- Federalist No. 45
- Federalist No. 51
- Freedom of Religion
- Freedom of Speech
- Freedom of the People to Peaceably Assemble
- Freedom of the People to Petition the Government for a Redress of Grievances
- Freedom of the Press
- General Will (Jean-Jacques Rousseau)
- Gun Rights Judicial Cases
- Habeas Corpus
- Implied Law (Introduction)
- Implied Powers
- Jefferson's Letter to the Danbury Baptists (Final Letter)
- Judicial Activism
- Judicial Branch
- Limited Government Definition
- Madison Public Works Veto, 1817
- Madison Veto of Public Works Bill, 1817
- Militia: Composition and Classes; U.S. Code
- Militia Act of 1903 (The Dick Act)
- Miracle of American Experiment
- Miranda Rights
- Necessary and Proper Clause - Justice Clarence Thomas, 2010
- Original (Lost) 13th Amendment
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Prohibition (18th and 21st Amendments)
- New Views of the Constitution by John Taylor
- Political Spectrum
- Separation of Church and State (Introduction)
- Separation of Church and State
- Shays' Rebellion
- State Sovereignty (A First Glance)
- State Sovereignty - Federation of States
- Supremacy Clause (Introduction)
- Supremacy Clause
- Virginia Act for Establishing Religious Freedom, 1786
- Virginia Act For Establishing Religious Freedom, Jefferson - 1786
- Women's Right To Vote (19th Amendment)

- Andrew Jackson's Proclamation on Nullification, December 10, 1832
- Annapolis Convention, September 11, 1786
- Articles of Association, October 20, 1774
- Articles of Confederation, March 1, 1781
- Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776
- Federalist Papers
- Fundamental Orders of January 14, 1639
- Kentucky Resolution, 1799
- Kentucky Resolution, Jefferson's Draft, 1798
- Letter: James Madison to Andrew Stevenson, November 27, 1830; General Welfare Clause
- Madison Veto of Federal Public Works Bill, March 3, 1817
- Madison's Notes on the Constitutional Convention, 1787
- Marbury v. Madison, 1803, Established Unconstitutional Concept of Judicial Review
- Mayflower Compact
- United States Constitution

- 2nd Amendment: Are You Willing To Take Up Arms Against Your Government?
- 2nd Amendment: Right to Keep and Bear Arms for Liberty
- 17th Amendment Issue Matters
- A Breach of Contract
- Anchor Babies, and the 14th Amendment
- Capitation as Defined by Constitution
- Commerce Clause
- Immigration Issue a Founding Issue
- Implied Powers v. Expressed Powers
- In Order to Form a More Perfect Union
- James Madison, and his belief in Limited Government and State's Rights
- Judge Bolton Blocking Parts of Arizona Law Unconstitutional
- Judicial Tyranny and the Intent of the Founding Fathers
- Original Intent of the Founding Fathers
- Ours is a Limited Government
- Returning Power To Congress and the States from The Executive Branch and the Judiciary
- The Republican Form of Government is Not a Democracy
- U.S. Senate was ruined by 17th Amendment