Wednesday, August 8, 2018

New Classes in Temecula

Republican Party Headquarters, 28120 Jefferson Ave., Temecula, CA

6:00 pm (1.5 hr)

6:00 pm (1 hr)
2nd and 4th Mondays

Originally formed in 2008 at Faith Armory, the Temecula class is the first manifestation of Doug's efforts to educate the public of the original intent of the United States Constitution.  The class moved from Faith Armory to the Riverside County GOP Headquarters in August of 2018.  Attendance, the pizza, and the pocket constitutions are free, but a monetary contribution may be provided at the end of the class to help with expenses.  The class handouts have been put together in a book form.  Purchase of The Basic Constitution is available at the class, or online.  The Wednesday Class is a 1.5 hour session class with a ten-week goal for completion.  A test will be applied at the end for students who desire to earn a certificate.  The Monday Night Class will be less formal one hour sessions.